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Floor plans - Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel at Circular Quay

Floor plans and virtual tours for suites of venue Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel at Circular Quay

Henry Lawson I & II Suite - Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel at Circular Quay

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Henry Lawson I & II 190 96 88 - 160 60 200 3 21 10 226

Henry Lawson I Suite - Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel at Circular Quay

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Henry Lawson I 60 30 48 - 40 25 80 3 9 9 94

Henry Lawson II Suite - Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel at Circular Quay

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Henry Lawson II 100 50 56 - 80 36 100 3 12 10 132

Thomas Keneally I & II Suite - Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel at Circular Quay

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Thomas Keneally I & II 220 100 96 - 190 60 250 3 35 10 288

Thomas Keneally I Suite - Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel at Circular Quay

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Thomas Keneally I 50 40 32 - 80 16 100 3 19 10 155

Thomas Keneally II Suite - Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel at Circular Quay

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Thomas Keneally II 160 90 64 - 140 36 170 - - - 128

Dorthea Mackellar Suite - Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel at Circular Quay

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Dorthea Mackellar 80 48 48 - 70 21 110 3 14 10 138

Banjo Paterson Suite - Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel at Circular Quay

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Banjo Paterson 64 36 32 - 50 27 100 3 12 9 115

Norman Lindsay Suite - Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel at Circular Quay

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Norman Lindsay 24 18 - - 20 - 25 3 9 5 33

Ruth Park Lounge (L7) Suite - Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel at Circular Quay

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Ruth Park Lounge (L7) - - 10 - 10 - - - - - 30

Miles Franklin (L7) Suite - Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel at Circular Quay

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Miles Franklin (L7) - - 12 - - - - - - - 40

Colleen McCullough (L7) and May Gibbs (L7) (each) Suite - Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel at Circular Quay

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Colleen McCullough (L7) and May Gibbs (L7) (each) - - 12 - - - - - - - 36

Boardroom 1 (L7) Suite - Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel at Circular Quay

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Boardroom 1 (L7) 15 - 8 - 10 - - - - - 16

Boardroom 2 (L7) Suite - Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel at Circular Quay

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Boardroom 2 (L7) 20 12 12 - 20 - - - - - 40

Boardroom 3 (L7) Suite - Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel at Circular Quay

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Boardroom 3 (L7) 15 12 12 - 10 - - - - - 32

Boardroom 4 and 5 (each)(L7) Suite - Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel at Circular Quay

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Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Boardroom 4 and 5 (each)(L7) 20 8 10 - 10 - - - - - 30

Boardroom 6, 7 and 8 (each) (L7) Suite - Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel at Circular Quay

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
Boardroom 6, 7 and 8 (each) (L7) - - 12 - - - - - - - 30

The Gallery Suite - Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel at Circular Quay

Book this room

Suite Name Capacity (people) Dimensions(m)
Theatre Classrm Boardrm Cabaret Banquet Ushape Rec Height Length Width Area
The Gallery - - - - 200 - 400 - - - 252

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